1. Catonis Disticha de moribus - 2. Dicta insignia septem sapientum Græciæ. 3. Mimi Publiani, sive, Senecæ proverbia, anglo latina. ... A Carolo Hoolo, ... = 1. Cato's Distichs, concerning manners. 2. Excellent sayings of the seven wise men of Greece. 3. Publius's Stage verses, or Seneca's proverbs, in Latin and English. ... By Charles Hoole

Catonis disticha
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printed by W. Hunter, for the Company of Stationers 1722 England, London [24],72p. 8⁰.
printed by W. Richardson, for the Company of Stationers 1701 England, London [24],72p. 8⁰.